Closing the Gap

to Your

"Customer Success"


Customer Success means different things in different businesses. What does it mean in your business?

We help businesses rapidly and cost-effectively streamline their customer success practice by bringing human behaviours and customers centricity into their strategic decisions.

Harnessing real data from people and systems, CSXCESS provide a detailed perspective without emotion or prejudice of your customer engagement and lifecycle, helping you test, measure and execute your growth initiatives.

Contact CSXCESS today if you:

  • want to improve your NPS/CSAT scores

  • ensure customer-centricity is important across your organisation

  • understand what your customers value from your product/service

  • want to humanise the automation of your customer success practice.

CSXCESS Services

360°Customer Centricity Audit

Customer Success (CS) teams are the personal face of your brand, representing the culture of your business.

Many businesses focus on Customer Centricity with frontlines teams; however, they don't spend the time building the same culture within other areas of the organisations.

The CSXCESS Customer Centricity Audit provides businesses with an independent review of how intrinsic the desire to delight customers is.

"Mystery Customer" Experience

How often do you test the real customer experience through the buyer journey, onboarding or support lifecycle?

CSXCESS Mystery Customer Review provides businesses with a human-centric independent, without prejudice or emotion, review of critical points of the customer lifecycle.

To test and validate the effectiveness of your hypothesis, please contact CSXCESS today.

Metrics Matter for Data lead Success

Customer Success automation is accelerated by how meaningful your data is and how timely it is collected and curated.

Collecting data that represents your customer lifecycle is often an afterthought when building your products.

CSXCESS helps you map out your ideal customer journey aligning it with data objects that will help feed automated actions. CSXCESS can also assist with integrating that data into various leading Customer Success automation platforms.